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tv   [untitled]    October 6, 2012 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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hello yeah that was from truth the interview show on privacy. and today my guest on the program is. it less than a decade the world turned on to social media generally things so personal security in real life people go virtually and they get on the net profit sharing too much information about. new hand-held gadgets allegedly and transmit music so is it. the dark side of technological problems or if there is a way that we can protect our will discuss it with computer security expert the co-founder of spares. the rapid
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development of person a mobile devices has encouraged speculation about the rise of big brother the co-founder of the internet security company kaspersky lab. supports the notion just says oh mobile devices can spy on their owners in particular world's best seller the i phone you can even feel much users and sand third party believes spy features could threaten not only personal privacy but the security and time that country. oh tell you who welcome to the show thank you thank you very much for being with us and the well i should the reason i want to interview on this show is that you are known recently for a couple of years rather for of being very much alarmed by by the spread of the gadget which allegedly collect personal data and share it with others especially
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the the the newest news gauges like the i phone plans and so and so also so this is a true and what kind of data are we talking about. first say. that i am not aware about the fact. that there providers or. producers of the gadget should share this information with somebody else. the fact is that they do collect some of data for example give a cation. by fire information about. again locations of the person some of the personal information. identifications of course for the purpose of identify the user in such a network like people store something. and. as far as i
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concern and i need to say that they do not personally. those devices are what child they're working i'm just reading mostly for sources of the computer security. and they say that the. all different forms not on the episode but all different like and draw it. to see all provide information back to their producers about. about personalities is it legal to collect this sort of information to go because otherwise how do they protect themselves from lawsuits have you ever read the user agreement by sense agreement if you or your buddies if not now whether that's that's the problem because if you do if you would see in the agreement they will collect some of the information. and when you buy your device and you activate the device you
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automatically agree with dos license agreement which has this clause so basically you give your agreement for using your personal information otherwise device wouldn't work so. one other thing i wanted to to clarify you mentioned some some information that they do collect when you mention apple store i mean it's not about who can details do they do they know where it really did if you play in the. so they do know that the pin code the everything you. call not certain about being caught because you usually don't not provide the ping and you provide a great account information you give the number in the simulator. here so security should security number but not being caught so they they do have the details so theoretically they can use the data to to buy something in my name. well it's very
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much theoretically it is that this happens you of course will not us that some somebody withdraw money from you you know how and so then what so what's so worrying about it i mean do i have i think i think that i do not have anything to hide well from others i mean well what i do have to hide i don't put it under that . so no i don't i mean i mean i do put my personal pictures in the net and who was the two person but. still do have to worry about anything do i have to worry about somebody up to me my car details my mind for example i don't know my medical records or whatever well. ok sure well so ridiculous speaking again where we're speaking to ridiculous. somebody if somebody has so much information about yourself than. he or she or a company if it's a company and in this case if there's
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a company might use that information for some other purpose and they have a big. maybe desire or chance to use your information so that's not that that their presents increased by itself why they collect this information for what they do with it they use it somehow sure they use it mostly for providing you with different type of services. not the sort of spam is. you know on as a special market for services which is growing here to hear i disapprove diktat that will hit eight billion dollars though i was time i learned lose been poor choosing my cell phone when i switched to go live to one of the plane so welcome to munich. i was very badly. hit in you know when they traveled to europe and there was more being of course
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when they flew in and germany it was germany its welcome in germany and then they ceased their border on my car and immediately welcomed me in fizzling so if you look at them it's visible and yours and so you know sometimes well every time for example if i if i get. from my so phone and cruiser book called my travelling agent. you know the next day i start getting. slammed by a tour. tour to australia. is that what you mean. not guilty service is something when you are for example walking down the street and see coffee on the right side or your mobile device says here there is a cafe on the right so you might know you. personally you know yes exactly oh look . you said that theoretically that information is
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available to to the providers can be can be somehow used to we may be used against me but were there cases when that really happened if somebody was for it can you tell us about. not have but i would first tell about a case when there's information went up. just recently very recently a lesson a month ago or at the beginning of this of september six of them or something. groups and to sec has announced that they managed to get twenty million. and the difficult missions the being to end user i.d.'s from i phone users. from that which we received from the laptop of f.b.i. agent. of course a very busy client they had any leakage of information it also declined
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to prove the case this hacker group put one million records up on the internet. they really do that so that's what it feels very. dangerous usage so bill imagine you with. so i just don't get it so so these are these million dollar they're going to there's a records there's no records about users but the records they're all saw get the location of the user maybe not the current location but at least two occasions where you have been for a month or so it was sort of a good move through everybody knows where i am in the news we you are i mean it's a little problem when mommy mommy people well when i decided to interview you i called my producers who were. give me five minutes she picks up and for a minute she knows where you are so i mean you don't have to be accurate well yes but if you looking for somebody for
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a government agent for example or. your son which. has a big governmental or commercial secrets then that would be a different story but ok now we see that buying just commercial life that may be potentially dangerous for you know your age does it whenever you know. that wants to keep secrets but can his security security that can there be you know i will mobile device and be safe if i want to keep my privacy is it possible to overcome this identification thing quite difficult difficult. difficult because you might for example. you might for him but your to the. i phone you can kill the kitchen but as a matter of fact. some of the experts told that despite. does agree to open your kitchen the phone still will send this information back
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to the producer so. there as a problem is that for example. it's conduct that saw that you cannot add any additional extra software on top of the russian lead you want. but for the jailbreak. they are more dangerous because they can come viruses for the whole year so it's another story when the open there you open it for everyone and we only write. completely dependant on the providers if they want to get information about you they will and you say no security service can help you. so this is you never to believe all those ways we say they may be a security service because it's very quick to pull in american company and they. illegally demand. information about such and such so it's only
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a government agency you can protect the government agency but the government offers certain countries that's a problem so for us being russians. co-founder disappears spotlight will be back should you take a break. my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems . i was missing my leg and my fingers and my big toe on my right foot i use my hands a lot in my artwork i find myself drawing my hands quite
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a bit to me for my hands you know just as if anyone would. but they do tell a story they tell us story of. oxen. is
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welcome back to spotlight i'm just a reminder that my guest on the show today is that talia kaspersky the co-founder of kaspersky next pretty computer computer and knowledge is literally a we just we just started talking about people be safer in not safe when using their mobile devices he just said that that the f.b.i. for example can contact the. headquarters of big corporations and ask them to to disclose all the hides so they do from ation so if you are an american president or an american official you can feel relatively secure because because your government agency can control your security what about the russians as we know as we see it on television more than half of the russian high ranking official including prime minister may well if they use those are gadgets i phones i pads all the time we even even know where. they work so those that mean
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that some of the information personal from mission can be disclosed and can be available for the biharis and so the russian the russian business and political elite is pretty transparent for the for the americans should they worry about. well. that information on the external on their more device you know exchanging it to have an edge and physically on this device i hope that the president was smart enough not to use the present of which were victims. rather than security has bought him something in an ordinary up store but to regularly see his location and some other stuff i don't think it would work differently than for us unless something there was not physically and that wasn't what.
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is it an issue for example for you as a person who does business in this field for example to start working on securing personal information. in gadgets for my current company and doesn't work with personnel but do they think it will be my debate and it might be an issue if. there is a technical solution possible because in some cases there is not possibility to protect information completely it still needs to be investigated and secondly for the cost platforms like apple i don't think it will be easy to upload such a function on it on the stop a little you know there's so much ado about these gadget bad information shared by gadgets but people are pretty curious today and themselves i mean most most of the
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kids especially there they're all social networks they share their information pictures whatever addresses phone numbers i mean i didn't the reason so what your family suffered because of that as far as i know i mean when your kid was kidnapped and they all started with social networking lit one not really they used other sources. by locking him in but. but you're absolutely right about the prison badger or such social networks unfortunately in our sometimes i even think how poor our children are because they are pull all what they have a. video for example on themselves and. i mean it understand that internet is the one big rating machine which takes everything and never forgets so if you once open a time applaud at something then it stays in internet forever and if twenty years
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after you become or want to be watered as a president then this particular picture will be that's interesting listen i know that when you register in the social network you can stay there for a while if you want to quit those are the functions kill my page and kill all the information so what you see means that it doesn't really don't you know there's. of course it states something where it may not be available to the wild but somebody can find it absolutely yes but really that's true so in the internet it's like a person's brain i mean everything stays there and you should only be be qualified enough to to find the one that really is a true yes who has why you need to be careful enough evoke a spirit ski that talia perske son was abducted but quickly released in april two thousand and eleven let's hear more of the story in a report from spotlight. the april two thousand and eleven edition of the russian
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corpse magazine put the antivirus software model he gave you a spare ski and a list of the country's two hundred wealthiest people shortly afterwards the businessman son of man because he was abducted the kidnappers demanded three million euro ransom for his release they reportedly give him the necessary information about the younger kaspersky from the internet among other things they found out he had no bodyguards it was snatched not far from his work in one of moscow's industrial parks and was kept by his abductors in the suburban house the rescue operation carried out by the federal security service and the police was quick and bloodless after the kidnappers phone call was traced a group of five people was eventually detained in august this year the organizer of the kidnapping was sentenced to cool and happy isn't treason. what should i teach myself what should my award is teach their kids what kind of
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world well. thanks should we teach them in order well at least to be. some our security is there something that the kids should never never share. certainly don't give enough of personal information like home address how we like where you are now ready. function for example i am somewhere. it's. a good good thing for the robbery to start when you announce that you are now out of house for two weeks. stay with or make friendship was only people who personally and not everybody or someone trained you know one stray knew who you we're not so hoods. and well don't give too much information i think just. think what you do you know the problem was
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social network somehow people are more fun than they would be in the real world this is i think like more undress i think this is why they need the because people want to be open but they afraid to be open to strangers so so they use it as you know as a priest i made and that's a problem yes that's a problem so they become you would not add and dress if you stay in a room full of people but you would under arrest in the internet which is very strange you know i mean because it's like you have a very big audience a looking at you at the very moment and that's something which unfortunately children don't understand will give you name i mean you really should people give the real world around them so i don't see any problems with their real names plus if you really want to it is very easy but well not not very easy but it's somehow easy to find out who the person is again and then you must in the internet is not
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really the case i know not tell you that you are one of those experts that are being used by by the russian government when the when the think about cyber security and stuff there's been reports that some cyber security strategy is being negotiated in the russian parliament separate chambers. and you might be the strategy developers of all advisors yes. if you ask yes they ask yeah well they did they did in the past so what's it all about the it's not us this security is it something like the like the chinese know. well there is a discussion thread now there are many discussions sexually on different platforms about cyber security and about information security as such because as you probably know russia has book dream of security which was conducted back and two
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thousand and one and which is already out of date it is eleven years for information technology is very long. and now we need to update that somehow or operate i don't know but i haven't seen real steps it's more of a discussion around the topic. well so muchin china does need for a wall of china it's being is being criticized sharply by the human rights activists but it's praised by government officials because it's really something that the chinese built. do you personally think as a brother foreign by the way that that the this freedom of the spread of information should be somehow controlled i'm absolutely certain and a lot of the buying more but also took the logical. but both because you cannot control technologists on the by law it is impossible. and even if
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controlled technologies by technologies but using the low for all. services or lawful. rules if you wish. because we see big big big problems and children being kidnapped or being involved in bad networks so. drug distribution of. the family or whatever so out children that don't do it in the internet and i'm certain that children must be somehow protected some very much for this limitation . some of the activist of the human rights says that it will potentially block that freedom of speech but. if we do not do anything we would not have any protection would just stay in this door which is
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raising up every day and we need to clean that up somehow therefore i'm certainly a believer and that by the way in most of the countries in europe and in america as well there are certain laws which protect. children against in potential dangers information on the internet thank you thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that my guest that we showed today was natalee as you co-founder you are completely. dancing to not only was your if you have your sense spotlight drop we'll. get more comments on what's going on between al sadr and where they are.
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overcoming a barrier like this seems possible. but then you crave something higher. and when you reach tough you. go do whatever it takes to get on the top of the world and artie's
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wealthy british. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into a report on. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought . i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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the old. little.


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